Renting A Dumpster Bin in the Winter

Many of us know the feeling of having to drag garbage out to the curb on an ice cold garbage day in January. Many would say it’s too much to handle, especially in Canadian winter climates. Unfortunately, the need to toss garbage and debris doesn’t end just because winter arrived. But there are ways to […]

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Managing At-Home Waste

at-home waste

Proper waste management has become a consistent and imperative issue. With population growth growing considerably over the last few centuries, the Earth has accumulated massive amounts of waste without a proper disposal system. You can do your part to help decrease the amount of waste that is placed in landfills every day. Below are a […]

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Cleaning Up An Eviction Site

eviction notice

Cleaning out evicted homes can be an overwhelming process. As a landlord, property manager, or property owner, you may be looking for ways to simplify the task.  Every situation is different, but when residents leave behind junk, trash, or damage, a cleanup plan of attack is the key to success. It often requires a quick […]

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The Truth About Landfills


It’s the eve of garbage day. You may feel a bit guilty as you roll your container to the curb. You don’t have to think about that waste again, either. But maybe you have wondered, as you watch the trash truck pull away, just where that garbage ends up. North Americans make about four pounds […]

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Who Invented the Dumpster?

The dumpster bin is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century, even though it has been underrated and overlooked for far too long. Without George Dempster’s invention, the modern and urban cities of the 21st century would have been littered with heaps of festering garbage which could have triggered many epidemics in the […]

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Degradable, Biodegradable or Compostable

compost bin

Why is Certified Compostable The Best Pick? Put simply, out of the three, certified compostable is the only option that breaks down into natural components and does not leave harmful microplastics behind in the environment. It is not uncommon to see these terms used interchangeably, which can lead to confusion. In a commercial setting, this […]

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6 Safety Measures Contractor Should Take With Any Dumpster Rental Bin

Roofing Contractor Rental Bin

Any construction site is exposed to more hazards than you can think of; from falling debris to flammable material, contractors must ensure the safety of those working on-site and people who will be around the site. Dumpster bin rentals are common on construction sites, but there’s usually not much thought given to the risks these […]

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Is Fall a Good Time to do Home Renovations?

home renovations

There’s a good time and a bad time for everything, and the same rule applies to home renovations. You can save yourself the aggravation, and the money when you avoid project’s that are rushed and unorganized. Although the nice weather in spring and summer can have you thinking about your remodelling project, that may not […]

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6 Ways to Begin Living a Minimalist Lifestyle

Homeowner Bin Rental

“Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it.” — Joshua Becker. With so many Canadians stuck at home, our space and the items within it have become much more important. For those living in a home full of clutter, or wishing they […]

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5 Things You Shouldn’t Send Off to the Landfill


Responsible waste management always begins at the source of disposal and should include strict policies for tossing items away that are deemed harmful to the environment. You should exercise due diligence when seeking a disposal bin rental from National Bins and set guidelines in place to avoid the following five items from heading to the […]

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