How to Reduce the Amount of Garbage that Goes into Landfills


The team here at National Bins is aware of the issue of oversaturated landfills and garbage waste. Many team members like to say they make efforts to be more green in their daily lives. Our team enjoys what we do because we can say we are helping reduce the amount of waste that ends up in our landfills by offering dedicated bin rental services to the Kitchener region. We have created this blog post to highlight ways to reduce the amount of garbage in your local landfills.

Shop and Support Local

When you choose to buy from locally-owned stores and restaurants, you are not only helping your local economy grow, but you are helping your region stay green. Decreased transportation, less waste, and local farming efforts all funnel into a reduced amount of trash. 

Avoid Plastic Bottles

Many larger institutions and commercially owned areas have stopped selling plastic water bottles. This is to support the effort of purchasing and using reusable water bottles. Fill your bottle up at home or from a free spring tap in your area to keep excess plastic out of landfills. 

Avoid Fast Fashion 

Large stores such as Forever 21 have recently decreased their store presence in response to the push to avoid fast fashion. Thrifting has recently become more trendy. This trend helps push back large apparel companies from manufacturing cheap clothes in the trash within a year. We urge our customers to buy higher-quality clothes they see themselves wearing for a few years. 


Most townships offer exceptional recycling programs for their homeowners and commercial residents. A weekly recycling program should be available and will do wonders to decrease the waste that ends up in landfills. Spend a bit of extra time sorting through garbage and recyclable matter and know that you have made a difference. 

Consider Vegetarianism a Few Days a Week 

If you are not a vegetarian, consider going meatless once or twice a week for the environment. Many meal prep companies such as Hello Fresh and Good Food can send you pre-packaged and tasty recipes for you to practice cooking at home! Refraining from eating meat-based meals every day of the week does a great deal in decreasing the amount of waste that goes into landfills. 

Book a Bin Rental with National Bins

One last way you can decrease landfills is by renting a dumpster bin with National Bins. We offer clean-fill options and have streamlined linguistics, ensuring every piece of material that can be recycled or reused is! Visit our website to learn more or book your Kitchener-Waterloo bin rental today!